Aaaaand I'm back again after a month!
Sorry about that :)
School has been chaotic, it's closed down for another two weeks.
We've had a frantic month trying to get everything together, but the disease has won again.
news news news:
I won the Complot contest!!
We had to give James Douglas Morrison away, too many animals in the house aha,
(the real James Morrison's first poem)
I've found a new obsessionnnnn (how strange)
Ellen Von Unwerth
Her photographs are simply amazing
I've spent the last half our looking through her gallery on Art+Commerce.
I began saving the ones I liked best, but then stopped, realizing I was clicking on pretty much all of them.
Amelie ♥ How I love this movie
Dovima with the Elephants
Evening dress by Dior,
Cirque d'Hiver, Paris, August 1955.
Richard Avedon
Download: Heads Will Roll- The Yeah Yeah Yeahs
School has been chaotic, it's closed down for another two weeks.
We've had a frantic month trying to get everything together, but the disease has won again.
news news news:
I won the Complot contest!!
We had to give James Douglas Morrison away, too many animals in the house aha,

I've found a new obsessionnnnn (how strange)
Ellen Von Unwerth
Her photographs are simply amazing
I've spent the last half our looking through her gallery on Art+Commerce.
I began saving the ones I liked best, but then stopped, realizing I was clicking on pretty much all of them.


Evening dress by Dior,
Cirque d'Hiver, Paris, August 1955.
Richard Avedon
Download: Heads Will Roll- The Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Welcome back, darling! Fabulous pics, especially the last one!
Heeyy congrats con lo de complot! El delfin es una orca, la mas famosa de todas...FREE WILLY!! En fin, siempre muy lindo tu blog. Me recordaste que tengo que ver Amelie. Un besoo
Amelie Poulain is pretty much my hero. By the way I love your header!
Hey, I was wondering where you were!
Love the photos and your header!
Wow, those photos are awesome!! That last one reminds me of Ashes and Snow...crazy/beautiful :)
xox, mavi
yay!!! my oh my i missed your posts so the new header pic!
By the way I really like your header!
thanks lovely! i think digging around is always the best answer, you never know what you'll find;)
ps. love her work, she is female empowerment and sexy and girly all at the same time!
xx raez
Such great photos and I LOVE your banner !! :)
amaría comer frambuesas como esa nena ! Me dieron tantas ganas!
hermosas fotos!
tu blog me a gustado y ya soy seguidora tuya^^
see ya!
cuuute pictures
tengo que ver esa pelicula.
que lindo blog divina!
también me pareció malisimo que digan que paris jackson actuo todo eso.
felicitaciones por lo de complot :)
voy a entrar a la página, amo la fotografia .ha:)
lovely lovely blog!
I add you to my fav!
I haven't visited your blog in quite some time and I missed it! Gorgeous photos!
XOXO, laur @ neonmango
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