Happy Birthday To You !

Our school actually shut down for two weeks because of swine flue.
This is my second week of freedom but unfortunately, someone taught my teachers how to e-mail stuff.
Stuff being assignments, proyects, homework and online tests.
Sometimes I hate the internet.
So now I have less free time to enter fashion contests:


Download:Golden Touch- Kings of Leon
Quote:“I'm the one that has to die when it's time for me to die, so let me live my life, the way I want to” -Jimi Hendrix
ahhaha! yeah, who's teaching these teachers how to use modern technology? gah! sorry about your online homework dearie :(
yo había visto ese concurso
pero es solo con ropa de complot :(
y no tengo tanta de ahí D:
oh myy. your blog just gets more adorable with every post (:
ps, glad you like the songs!
esos gatitos!!!!!
nono que amor
muy bueno tu blog ale, me gusta
Those kittens are adorable!
tenes email gordi?
me encantaría hablarnos :)
yay for swine flu then huh? I like the polaroids!
adore lily<33 she is gorgeous!
and thank you for your comment love (: hope you visit again soon<33
oh:( your teachers seems to be bored while time of swine flue to give you some homework.
Seriously, when school is out it is OUT. That means no school stuff flying across on the internet. Feel sorry that your teacher figured out the big secret about e-mails.
Lo ultimo que quiero es enfermarme durante épocas de clases, (suena re nerd, pero después me pierdo todas las explicaciones), asique preferible que cierren.
Muy lindo tu blog, no lo conocía
lily collins is beautiful! and that quote from jimi hendrix made my life<3
i really enjoyy your posts, so do one soonn(:
peace and love,
le rève
folling in love with this blog
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