Bonjour bonjour
The last post was fun, keep tagging me !
Guess whose biography I'm reading?
Jim Morrison
Gah, was he hot.
And incredibly insane.
Love them too.
Okay, I'm listening to Brad Paisley's "Then" . And I just listened to it again. I don't usually like country music, but the lyrics are just adorable.
Americas Next Top Model- Allison
(Yes, I watch it)
Playlist This Month:
Bang Band You're Dead- Dirty Pretty Things
Be Gentle With Me- The Boy Least Likely To
Belt Loops- The Films
Confetti- Lemonheads
The Fallen- Franz Ferdinand
High And Dry- Radiohead
Kids- MGMT
Love Her Madly- The Doors
Oh You Pretty Things- David Bowie
Piazza, New York Catcher- Belle & Sebastian
Killer Queen- Queen
The last post was fun, keep tagging me !
Guess whose biography I'm reading?

Gah, was he hot.
And incredibly insane.

Okay, I'm listening to Brad Paisley's "Then" . And I just listened to it again. I don't usually like country music, but the lyrics are just adorable.
Americas Next Top Model- Allison
(Yes, I watch it)

Bang Band You're Dead- Dirty Pretty Things
Be Gentle With Me- The Boy Least Likely To
Belt Loops- The Films
Confetti- Lemonheads
The Fallen- Franz Ferdinand
High And Dry- Radiohead
Kids- MGMT
Love Her Madly- The Doors
Oh You Pretty Things- David Bowie
Piazza, New York Catcher- Belle & Sebastian
Killer Queen- Queen
i missed america's next top model
:( i like your blog
where are you from?
adore all those songs :)
by "1974?" did you mean the quel heure est il part? if you did, ask claire. haha she added to that and i think she just means the whole awesome-ness of that era. but she's got a pretty insane mind so you never know
My heavens I love the Olsen twins as well, I'm watching Series 3 of Weeds at the minute which Mary-Kate cameos in. Loves it!!
mmm, hace mucho que no escucho b&s...
you really should watch pineapple express! like at first i had no interest in seeing it, but omggg it's so funny! and james franco isn't bad either (;
jim morrison: sadly, never have heard of him, buttt he looks mad cool in the picture and i'm definitely about to google him, hehe.
olsen twins: gahhh, loveeee that picture of them! <33
haven't watched antm this season, but is allison the nose blood girl? hahahaha.
andddd, downloading all the songs now (:
I love Jim too. I also watch ANTM, anyone who says they don't is lying haha. I adore you blog! I'd love to swap links.
i really love your blog! im glad you stumbled across me
sweet playlist. must hunt down those songs!
Im in love with that picture of Mk and A. And i agree..jim morrison=HOT!
they're all loveable ;--)
Love this post - your playlist really rocks, and I adoooore that ANTM pic!
Lemonheads, Radiohead, MGMT, Belle & Sebastian. Wewt. I love Allison with her big doe-eyes and animated features. Brad Paisly is actually one of my favorite country artists.
A.N.T.M. pic seems awesome, can´t wait to see it, everything comes late to Finland :DD
God Jim Morrison was so sexy. He could light my fire anyday!!! X
I LOVE all the music you put down and def love all your posts!
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