Yep, back to school.
We don't really do anything the first week, but just waking up at seven kinda ruins the whole thing.
And the cafeteria food. I'm never getting used to that stuff.
And the uniforms. Don't get me started.
Moving on to a lighter note..
Watch this. Seriously.
I can't decide which sister's hotter .
Later I'll do a whole post dedicated to them ♥
Yesterday I finished Stephen Kings Misery. Veeeery good book. I definitely recommend it, but not for those with weak stomachs. ;)
I'm going to watch Funny Face for the five millionth time .
xx .
Download: No You Girls - Franz Ferdinand
We don't really do anything the first week, but just waking up at seven kinda ruins the whole thing.
And the cafeteria food. I'm never getting used to that stuff.
And the uniforms. Don't get me started.
Moving on to a lighter note..

I can't decide which sister's hotter .

Yesterday I finished Stephen Kings Misery. Veeeery good book. I definitely recommend it, but not for those with weak stomachs. ;)
I'm going to watch Funny Face for the five millionth time .
xx .
Download: No You Girls - Franz Ferdinand
slumdog millionaire is the best movie I have ever seen. :D
i've already been to the theatre to see it 3 times.
- laur @ neonmango
i love that first photo! gorgeous.
i must go see that movie. it won so many oscars last night it was insane.
yeah school can be such a drag
quiero ver slumdog!
creo que me la voy a bajar :D
y yo empiezo las clases el lunes que viene ¬¬
me queda una semana de vacaciones u.u
slumdog :D
tengo que ver slumdog
slumdog millionare is amazing!! and i feel for you..the first day back is always the worst.
Ganó un montón de premios en los Oscars y ahora tengo las re ganas de verla ! Esa canción de Franz es del nuevo cd, no? Me lo bajé pero ni lo escuché aún. Ah, y feliz comienzo del año lectivo jaja, es un garrón, ya se ¬¬
omg i LOVE slumdog-it was so exciting to see it clean up last night...i almost felt bad for all the other movies that kept losing. almost.
Amazing movie!!!!!!!!!!
well, theyre both stylish.
peaches is prettyer. but she is overrated. pixie is also cool, and underatted, but she is fugly, in my opinion.
hmm, actually i dont know, theyre a bit overrated!
I watched slumdog millionaire last night, its soooooo good!!!
Also, sorry for not writing back from before, I never got notifications so i didn't know I got any comments! but i changed the settings now
Thank you!
Ive gotta say Im noot such a fun of the Geldofs. I am however a fan of Stephen King, I just finished the book of Carrie and I think I'm gonna go onto Misery next mwuh ha ha :D x
Oh I love Misery!
Fabulous post!
slumdog millionaire is really good and did you know, that the some of the acters ( for example the little children) were really from the slum?
Pixie, Pixie is the hottest one
i love ur blog
Ew, school...well just try to start the day with a smile, and in time you'll get back in the swing of things :)
no se como de repente tenes tantos comentarios
pero tu blog está increible
tenes una manera muy particular de escibir y quda muy linda (:
No You Girls is a great song, I've been dying to see Slumdog too. I love the photo with the two girls very classy and chic
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